Our Online School is the Best Online School utilizing a unique “Synchronous (Live) Instruction” model with dynamic classroom interaction with degreed certified Christian teachers instructing tomorrow’s servant leaders.
Our purpose at The Christian School at Castle Hills is to “lead students to know Christ and make Him known” by developing tomorrow’s servant leaders today through unprecedented excellence in a Christ-centered community. Raising up students who can succeed in a challenging world for the glory of God is one of our highest goals.
At CHS, we set ourselves apart through the opportunity of a “one-of-a-kind” new approach to online education. The CHS Online School is an extension of our on-campus school, offering our students and families access to a leading online education program at home, as well as the exceptional support, benefits, and services of a Christian school. Our expectation of changing the world through the lives of our students is one of the many attributes that make our Online School the “best-in-class” online learning program.
We believe Christ-centered values are at the heart of a great education, and we invite you to join our Eagle family. We look forward to serving you!

The support our family receives from the CHS Online Director is above and beyond our expectations! Mrs. Mercado addresses our questions and concerns immediately and is a bridge between the physical campus and the online experience.– Carrie | CHS Online School Parent
Michael pinkston

Interested in credit recovery through our Online School? Please email us!
1. CHS partnership with Renewanation, the “best-in-class” Christian curriculum and online school learning platform.
2. CHS Online School Coordinator available for personal support, coaching, and advice to students and parents along with our Online Parent Newsletter providing detailed information and announcements.
3. A unique “Synchronous (Live) Instruction” model with dynamic classroom interaction with teacher and peers. Recorded sessions are available when students are absent or sick. Courses meet Monday – Thursday with 1:1 student/teacher support for skill extension and academic enrichment available every Friday.
4. Degreed and certified Christian teachers with average years of experience exceeding 20 years.
5. Dual accreditation through ACTS (Association of Christian Teachers and Schools) and Middle States (regional accrediting body).
6. Biblical worldview immersion in every course.
7. Access to our Parent Online Portal to check grades and student progress.
8. Accommodations are provided for students with documented learning differences.
9. Excellent Christian textbooks (BJU Press) and a scope and sequence in learning similar to CHS On-Campus instruction.
10. Guidance counselor services are available for high school students in Texas, along with access to our Career Direct Assessment, ASVAB career assessment, PSAT, and other college guidance support.
1. CHS Online School Director is available for personal support, coaching, and advice to students and parents.
2. The Online School Parent Newsletter provides detailed information and announcements regarding information and opportunities available to online students and families. Also provides tips and advice for parent success.
3. Official grades are maintained on a CHS report card for all online students. A CHS transcript will be provided for all high school courses. Students may earn a CHS Diploma upon completion of graduation coursework requirements.
4. Help desk technology support available to students.
5. Recognition in our CHS Online School Honor Roll.
6. Opportunities to participate virtually in school chapels, school assemblies, and special programs.
7. Library hours are available to students by appointment.
8. Participation in after-school activities such as STEM Club, Art Starz, and the CHS Christian Music Conservatory.
9. Interested Online Students are included in our annual yearbook available for purchase.
10. CHS school-wide fun family events and activities such as the PTF Fall Festival, parenting sessions, and PTF membership.
11. Guidance counselor services available for high school students in Texas upon request. Students in Secondary School also have access to our Career Direct Assessment, ASVAB Career Assessment, PSAT, and other college guidance support.
12. Additional Enrichment Opportunities
- Virtual Chapels are available weekly for all grades.
- Access to IXL online math skills program and Accelerated Reader program.
- Participation in CHS team sports for Grades 6-8 (schedule permitting).
- Students enrolled in CHS Online School with at least five core academic classes may participate in CHS fine arts classes and extracurricular activities if they meet the required rehearsal or practice guidelines set by the extracurricular organization. High school activities are governed by TAPPS, TPSMEA, or another organization; those guidelines will be followed. All Fine Arts (electives) will require in-person daily class participation for Grades 7-12.
- Students living locally may participate in annual fall spiritual retreats, mission trips, and community service opportunities in Grades 7-12.
With online learning, parents commit to the responsibility of being an integral part of the student’s learning environment. Parents are vitally important to student learning and academic success through online school. The oversight and support of parents is necessary for both achievement and accountability for a successful online learning experience.
As a parent, you also have the full support of your student’s online school, as well as the support of our CHS Online School Director. Parent involvement may differ according to the grade level of your student, as well as the independence and maturity of your student.
A parent’s commitment to providing online school learning support includes the following agreement:
- Our/my family acknowledges the support of The Christian School at Castle Hills CHS Online School.
- We/I pledge to cooperate and actively support the teachers and school personnel in all aspects of our children’s academic and behavioral performance. We/I will exercise support and confidence in the teachers and administration of the school.
- We/I agree to pay all our financial obligations to CHS on or before the due date as indicated on the Enrollment Contract. Additionally, we/I will prayerfully consider supporting the school over and above tuition and fees, including financial gifts and in-kind contributions, as God gives us the ability and means.
- As parents, we/I agree to fulfill the following requirements including providing adequate internet for my child’s learning, supporting and insisting upon academic integrity in my child’s education, and providing daily checks and support for my child’s education.
- We/I agree to support CHS Online Policies and Procedures including, but not limited to, the following areas: communication, academic standards and integrity, discipline, dress code, personal conduct online and all other policies and procedures as set forth in the Policies and Procedures Manual.
- If we/I become dissatisfied with CHS Online staff, policies, or decisions in any respect, we/I will seek to resolve the matter according to the Matthew 18 Principle by going directly to that person rather than spreading criticism, rumor, or accusation, and encouraging dissension or discord. If the matter cannot be resolved, we will quietly unenroll.
Additionally, a parent’s commitment to providing online school learning support also includes the following:
- Parents must be engaged on a daily basis in the following ways.
• Ensuring the student is on task and following a daily schedule. Address off-task behavior and hold students accountable.
• Seek support from teachers when a student does not understand an assignment or lesson. Pursue advice from the CHS Online School Director for helping the student get the most out of their learning experience and achieving success. - Ensure the integrity of test scores by monitoring test taking, not making answer keys available to students, or allowing students to use outside resources when completing assessments. Matthew 15:19 (ESV)
- Provide a safe and quiet learning environment in which study habits are enforced daily.
In partnership with CHS and iLumenEd Academy (ILA), we are committed to each student’s academic growth and achievement. iLumenEd’s online learning requires a level of responsibility from the students that can help each one be successful.
- Students will ensure access at home to strong Wi-Fi.
- Students will be prepared and ready to learn and agree to turn in all work in a timely manner (these are not self-paced courses).
- Students will come to class on time and not leave once class begins. If there is an unforeseen circumstance, students will let his/her teacher know immediately. Students understand that tardiness and absences are documented.
- Students will follow online school etiquette, which includes but is not limited to making sure that they dress appropriately and modestly for all classes (no hats, hoods from hoodies, pajamas, or inappropriate messaging on clothing) and treat others with respect in the course classrooms, or labs.
- Students will sit at an area that is not distracting to him/herself and classmates which includes keeping pets free from the schoolwork area.
- Students will log in daily to their school account.
- Full-time students commit to attending classes synchronously.
- Students must have a working camera and headset. Once class begins, a student may NOT turn the camera off. During live courses, students are expected to have their camera always turned on. If the camera begins having technical difficulties, parents will purchase a new camera.
- Students will make sure that his/her face is completely shown during a live session.